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Some terminology of raw materials used in adhesives
Source: | Author:pmoe60580 | Published time: 2018-06-29 | 2710 Views | Share:
In terms of the quality indicators of adhesives, we often encounter some terms. To understand its meaning accurately helps to better understand the properties of raw materials. Some commonly used terminology are listed.
    In terms of the quality indicators of adhesives, we often encounter some terms. To understand its meaning accurately helps to better understand the properties of raw materials.

    Some commonly used terminology are listed.
    (1) density and relative density (Density and relative density) density refers to the mass in the volume unit volume, in short, the ratio of mass to volume, and its unit is MEM / M 3 (Mg / m3) or kg / M 3 (kg / m3) or gram / cm 3 (G / cm3). The ratio of the relative density to the density refers to the ratio of the density of the material to the density of the reference material under the specified conditions, or the mass of a certain volume at the T1 temperature and the equal volume reference material in the T2. The ratio of the mass to the temperature. The commonly used reference material is distilled water and is represented by Dt1/t2 or t1/t2 as dimensionless quantity.

    (2) the melting point is the melting point or freezing point when the Melting point and Freezing point material reaches equilibrium under the vapor pressure. This is due to the regular arrangement of atoms or ions in the solid as a result of the rise in temperature and the activation of the heat movement, which forms an irregular arrangement of liquid. The opposite process is solidification. When the liquid becomes solid, the temperature is often referred to as freezing point or freezing point. The difference from melting point is that the heat is released rather than the heat absorbed. In fact, the melting point of the substance is the same as the solidification point.

    (3) the melting point range (Melting range) refers to the temperature range from which the material begins to melt to all melting by capillary tube method.